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High Care® News

Facts and interesting stories about the Weyergans High Care AG
DLR INNOspace Ausstellung Vacumed


August 2021

Vacumed at the INNOspaceEXPO exhibition

The German space agency INNOspace presents with the INNOspaceEXPO an exhibition that focuses on the innovation and transfer potential of space and space research. It shows the diverse perspectives that open up and the technical achievements from space which can also improve life on earth.

Intermittent vacuum therapy (IVT) with our VACUMED is also a further development that comes from space medicine. This method is used worldwide by numerous people for the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases and chronic wounds.

Further information on IVT is available from INNOspace or at www.vacumed.de.

Studie über Negativ-Ionen aus Korea


APRIL 2021

Negative ions reduce inflammation induced by particulate matter

We at Weyergans High Care® have been using Dermionology® with negative ions for years and know about the positive effect of the negatively charged oxygen molecules on our organism. This technology is used, for example, in our Dermio Care® Plus as well as in our latest innovation, the IONO-ACTIVE mask.
Particularly in urban areas, the fine dust pollution in the air is high. A current clinical study from Korea, supported by the National Research Foundation, now proves: Pollution in the air and fine dust particles have a harmful effect on the skin, can cause inflammation and increase the risk of skin cancer. The clinical study has also shown that these harmful processes in our body can be inhibited by inhaling negative ions. You can now read the full scientific article here.

News Speicheltest



Our genes reveal more than we thought!

The selection of different cosmeceuticals is huge. Finding the best care for an individual skin need is almost impossible, because the actual requirements of the skin are often not immediately apparent. With the Liquid-Check from Weyergans High Care® Cosmetics we are creating a new dimension in skin care - uncomplicated and individual. Our test kit is based on sound biophysics and uses a cotton swab to analyze your saliva down to the last detail. Because saliva is an optimal carrier of information! The Liquid-Check can be carried out easily - whether in the institute or at home. Receive your personal care recommendation from us!

You would like to know more about the exclusive Liquid-Check? Send us an email to info@weyergans.de

News Iono-Aktiv Maske



World innovation: The new IONO-ACTIVE mask has arrived!

Do you know the feeling when you return home from a long walk in the forest or by the sea and feel refreshed and full of energy? Oxygen is an essential good for the organism. We need it for our metabolism and to keep up our physical and mental fitness. In the city and in closed rooms, the air quality is often poor. There is a lack of the so-called negative ions in the air, which are important for the functionality of our body.

The new IONO-ACTIVE mask was developed by company founder Rudolf Weyergans exactly for this reason. It increases the number of negative ions in the ambient air by a multiple and permanently feeds you with the precious electronical particles. No matter if at home, at work or on the way - the small device can be used everywhere.

Would you like to know more about the IONO-ACTIVE mask? In this press article you can learn more about our innovative world novelty. You can also find further information at this place on our website .

SPM 3.0 News



Immediate visible and noticeable results with SPM 3.0

The further development of our original SPM is here! The modern and perfected SPM 3.0 combines 5000 years of cupping experience with the proven medically based massage. The intensive lymphatic drainage offers maximum ease of use with even smarter application technology than ever before and diverse application possibilities that you should know about.

Simply follow the display instructions of your SPM 3.0 with light touch function and let yourself be guided step by step through the treatment.
Whether on the face, the bust, the arms and legs or the buttocks, - the SPM 3.0 impresses with its versatility. And our surveys show: Anyone who has ever enjoyed an SPM® doesn't want to do without it! Your customer should be sure of positive attention thanks to the visible results - and you yourself of recommendation!

By the way, the SPM 3.0 is NiSV-free and can be excellently combined with other apparative applications such as ultrasound. Good for beauty and good for your business!

Find out more about the innovative SPM 3.0 here!

Iono-Jet Photoshoot



Lots of fun, but hard work though!

A photo shoot always sounds like a lot of fun. And admittedly, it is - but days like these also mean hard work, which we hope has been worth it. Together with DieWerberpack, Oliver Eltinger Fotografie and our beautiful model, Ariana Cena, we shot pictures for our new IONO-JET 2.0 and the innovative Dermio Care® Plus last week. You have probably already noticed that our look has changed both online and offline over the last few months. We are developing the new corporate identity step by step so that we will soon appear in a new and consistent style for you. Modern, meaningful and above all focused.

Are you interested in our new corporate design in detail and would you like to adapt the High® Care look to your online presence? Just send us an email to info(at)weyergans.de. We would love to send you our corporate design manual with all the necessary information.

News Medizinproduktberater



Career at Weyergans: Training as a medical product consultant

Steven Schaepkens is the youngest medical product consultant at Weyergans High Care AG. Mr. Schaepkens has only been working in the company's export department for six months. Parallel to the induction, he successfully took part in an eight-stage, internal further training course to become a medical product consultant. It is about the physics, the physiological responses, indications and contraindications of the intermittent vacuum therapy developed by Weyergans. Today Rudolf Weyergans handed the certificate. "We are happy to have won another diamond for advice and customer support in Mr. Schaepkens in time for the Medica and ARAB HEALTH trade fairs," says the founder of the company and inventor. The intermittent vacuum therapy, which Weyergans developed in cooperation with the German Aerospace Society, is now sold in more than 40 countries from the company location, Gut Boisdorf, Düren, and is internationally recognized and certified as a medical product. Countries also include China, Korea, Indonesia and Brazil.

News Markus Kessler



New member of the WHC AG supervisory board

We are delighted to have a new member on the Weyergans High Care AG supervisory board. The general meeting elected Mr. Markus Kessler for this purpose. Mr. Kessler is an industry insider and has many years of experience in corporate management with a focus on corporate strategy, organizational development, controlling, reorganization and restructuring. As CEO of a German competitor with a turnover of over 900 million euros, he worked in the cosmetics sector for 13 years.

Welcome, Mr. Kessler!

Iono-Jet 2.0 News


MARCH 2022

NEW: Plasma power for the skin

Last weekend, the BEAUTY by Weyergans took place at Gut Boisdorf. The highlight: The vernissage of the IONO-JET 2.0. Visitors, who were able to get to know the new plasma nozzle technology, were enthusiastic about the smart technology of the second generation. The Iono-Jet 2.0 uses oxygen ions to deliver high-quality active ingredients to where beauty is created: under the skin. The system targets numerous dermaceutical application areas that feel more intense than ever before. You can find out in detail what these are on the product page.

Are you interested in the Iono-Jet 2.0 and would like more information? Send us an e-mail at info@weyergans.de. We will be happy to advise you.

News Ildiko 100 franchisees



Rockstars of franchisees!

Just imagine: among the 100 most important women-run franchise companies worldwide, our partner Ildiko Lavotha from Hungary and the High Care® Center system is one. This is a great award for Ildiko and her team. Chapeau!

It is also an award for the concept of High Care®. The concept has been around for 25 years. We slowly grew into it and together with you we all have continued to develop it over the years. Step by step. It weathered the Great Depression in the late 90s and it will also weather the current pandemic. Because like no other company we all stand for "... more than beauty!" We also stand for good treatment results, good health and clearly structured processes.

Thank you Ildiko. We are proud of the recognition and of your work as well as the work of the entire int’l Greygoose family!

News High Care Congress 2020 Review



High Care® Congress: Review

Beauty professionals from all over Germany met last Saturday at Gut Boisdorf not only to network, but above all to get to know the latest trends and world innovations in the beauty industry and to benefit from high level expert presentations.

Especially the new BODYGUARD Device attracted great interest. Besides this a world innovation was introduced to the Beauty Professionals. The IONO ACTIVE MASK provides the highest level of protection in times of Corona and spends full energy for body and mind - all over. The topic of another speech was mask stress and rosacea. Professionals could learn the optimal active ingredients for stressed skin and valuable tips for customers. Matthias Wolf is marketing specialist and knows the secret of an successful funnel webiste that leads to the best customer acquisition results. And last but not least one of our expert speakers was Anja Bach-Gatzweiler. She is alternative practitioner and offers the innovative salvia test. It helps to get a holistic analysis which is able to determine the individual need for vital substances and thus to offer your customers perfect care products.

If you are interested in any of the different topics, please do not hesitate to contact us via info@weyergans.de.

News Export



Welcome back to Gut Boisdorf!

Our first training since the Corona crisis started this week with great guests from the United Kingdom and Ireland. We are happy about the great interest in our sustainable and effective applications and the world innovation BODYGUARD. Thank you for a successful time and the opportunity to expand the valuable knowledge of our partners.

News UV+ Care


JUNE 2020

Maximum protection and care!

Summery-light and a must-have for all those who place importance to a perfect care experience during the warm season: UV + Care SPF 50.

UV + Care SPF 50 is much more than simple sun protection for sensitive facial skin. Our UV care supplies the skin with valuable ingredients such as vitamin E and almond oil and has a maximum nourishing effect without leaving an unpleasant film.

By the way: Every skin type has an individual protection time. During this time, our skin does not get sunburned. If the self-protection time is, for example, 10 minutes, the person can theoretically spend 500 minutes protected in the sun with a generously and evenly applied SPF 50.

10 minutes self-protection time x 50 (SPF) = 500 [/ B]

Attention! In order to be on the safe side, the increased duration of protection should in principle be used up to a maximum of 60 percent.

News Bodyguard


JUNE 2020

Protection and care for beauty and health!

The absolute highlight of Weyergans High Care® Cosmetics is the new Bodyguard which was developed for a good figure and good health and especially for the tightening of the connective tissue. The innovative device combines the medically effective Dermionologie (application of plasma from highly active oxygen ions - O2 (-) -) with extra-intensive red / near-infrared light. The Bodyguard attracted great international interest after a short time. One of the first devices can be found in Iceland, for example. There the Bodyguard is accepted with great enthusiasm. You can get an insight HERE.

Further information

News Collamin


MAY 2020

Healthy and delicious!

The preparations for the perfect summer body are in full swing. The support by effective nutritional supplements from our Nutri Care® series should not be underestimated. Our body constantly produces new collagen during collagen synthesis. With the help of enzymes, the existing protein is broken down into its individual components, the amino acids, and then reassembled. With increasing age, due to the influence of hormones or due to improper nutrition, collagen synthesis no longer functions optimally. The result: a weak connective tissue!

The highly effective nutritional supplement COLLAMIN LIQUID contains the full portion of collagen hydrolyzate and vitamin B6 as well as hydrolyzed amino acids, which are known to promote firm skin and healthy bones.

Simply drink 20 ml daily as an intensive cure for a period of 90 days or ideally integrate it into everyday life!

For healthy beauty - inside and out.

News news homepage


MAY 2020

Homepage relaunch 2020

You have probably already noticed that our homepage has been shining in a new look lately. After a few years it was time for a relaunch, which now also visually underlines the development of the brand Weyergans High Care®. The new design not only promises a modern and fresh look, it should also be easy to use for you. In the future, the simple user interface will give you an insight into our entire product portfolio quickly and easily. We hope you enjoy exploring our new homepage!

Do you like our new website or do you want to give us general feedback? We look forward to your recommendation on Facebook!

Thank you, Beauty Farm


APRIL 2020

We say "Thank you, Beauty Farm"!

Who would have thought a few weeks ago that respiratory masks are currently more valuable than ever before and hard to get. Our customer from China, the company Beauty Farm from Shanghai, has provided us with masks as a sign of solidarity in the Corona crisis. From Monday, the mask requirement also applies to North Rhine-Westphalia - so this gift just comes to the right time. We say "Thank you, Beauty Farm"! One world - We stay together - Together we care!

Jasmin Mueller (Member of Board), Rudolf Weyergans (Company Founder of Weyergans High Care AG) and Daniel Lentzen (Head of Export Administration)

Webinar international


APRIL 2020

International training during the crisis

Opportunity for beauticians from five continents. Invitation.

Beauticians from all over the world stay strong and together. Not just in a crisis. Weyergans High Care Cosmetics' partners and those who want to become one can use the Corona lock-down period for further training.

On Thursday, April 23rd and Friday, April 24th, Weyergans High Care Cosmetics offers webinars on exciting and innovative cosmetic topics. It will be the largest international cosmetics training course ever seen on this beautiful planet. The goal: 500 participants from over 50 countries can take part. The seminar will be held in English. The presenter will be Rudolf Weyergans himself. For detailed information on the topics and registration please click here. As a sign of solidarity during the current crisis, the webinars are for free.

Please stay healthy!


MARCH 2020

Please stay healthy!

Crisis also means opportunity. As a precaution, half of the team at Weyergans High Care® Cosmetics works from home. So the employees are valued and we can maintain the operation for you permanently. We can still be reached by phone (and mail) at the usual times - because we would like to be there for you and show you that we live the often repeated philosophy of the 'Weyergans family' 100%. Always keep in mind: even in the toughest winter, trees never stop growing; they grow underground and form new roots for spring when the sun shines again. As a society, we will master the current situation together if we adhere to the rules of the experts. Maybe slowing down is good for all of us and sharpens our eyes for what is really important in life. Against this background, we primarily wish you health for yourself, your family and friends - for all of us!

Yours, Rudolf Weyergans

News First Bodyguard


MARCH 2020

First Bodyguard

This is what she looks like - the most innovative German cosmetician and physiotherapist at the moment, Michaela Emmrich! Ms. Emmrich decided on purchasing the unique Bodyguard 45 minutes before the official opening of the vernissage. From now on, she will offer her clients beauty&health in a unique combination. The revolutionary process was developed in Germany and is even patented. You are interested? HERE you can learn more about the innovative cosmetic treatment.

Vacusport in Madrid


MARCH 2020

Vacusport in Madrid

Take a look at the Vacusport device applied at the Motor & Sport Institute in Madrid - they are counting on the best innovation made by Weyergans for boosting regeneration and rehabilitation by supporting peripheral perfusion and vascular flow. This is how they describe themselves at their homepage: The Motor & Sport Institute is a unique space in the world with 15,000 m2 for training, sports and technology. In these facilities, the latest technology and the latest equipment coexist with incredible experiences and events for customers. HERE you can learn more about the Vacusport.

News Pure Longevity


FEB 2020

Luxury care @ Pure Line

From now on, the luxurious Self Deep Care Concentrate will not only appear in the elegant and new pump dispenser, but also with a new name: Pure Longevity. This unique concentrate ensures a long-lasting firming effect. The snow algae it contains deeply affects the skin and specifically strengthens the collagen fibers. This promotes skin elasticity and extends the life of the collagen fibers. For more than youthful skin! Would you like to learn more? We are happy to help you at export@weyergans.de or 0049-2421 - 96780!

News IVT Zagreb


JAN 2020

IVT now available at Zagreb

Rudolf Weyergans visited our partner at his institute 'Body Balance' at Zagreb for preparing the inauguration of the Intermittent Vacuum Therapy - IVT - with the unique VACUMED® device. Also on board 'Velibor Viboh', one of the most qualified physiotherapists in Croatia and well known for being the physio of many athletes and Olympic winners. HERE you can learn more about the low pressure device.